
By carliewired

80 F/ 27 C

Canada Day weekend
begins today - the park will
be very busy

~ carliewired

I had the bins out to the street before 5 and was soon on my way across the bridge to Riverside Park. I took note of the traffic flow changes in the downtown as barriers and signage was being removed in the west end. Construction in the downtown continues to be a nightmare. I managed to get into the west end of the park to park near the Uji Friendship Garden. 

I did the short walk along the Rivers Trail towards the bridge. I stopped at the halfway point for a panorama of the confluence and my mountains. Then I got a shot of the Overlander Bridge to the west. 

The colony of marmots around the Celtic Stones seems to have exploded. There were little ones scampering about everywhere. I even found one in the Uji Friendship Garden. 

I couldn't leave the park without a quick walk through the rose garden. It was saturated this morning so the roses were covered in water drops and nodding with the weight. 

I'm home for the day with a bit of paperwork to tidy up before this long weekend. With any luck I should have a plumber here on Canada Day. I hope he's not going to charge double time for working a statutory holiday as it was his idea!!

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