From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Drains and Trains!

Well that was an interesting short day! It was the usual trip to McDonalds for my morning cuppa which I drank while sat outside the council house. I'm getting to really like that early cool part of the day watching the world start up before the heat builds.

The morning whistled by fairly quickly with most of the office disappearing off to a divisional brief at 10am. I stayed behind as usual as I can't bear meetings and in any case, there might have been a huge disaster and then I could have run to fetch everyone back! All was quiet on the western front anyway and I didn't have to put aside my exciting report for anything else. I went to McDonalds with Nuzhat at lunchtime as usual and went to Robert Dyas on the way back for mealworms. I picked up a great kitchen clock too with pictures of garden birds round the edge a different bird shown at each hour. Yes I know! Silly!

I finished early (2:30) and went for my hair appointment as I hadn't been there since my short fringe incident. I mentioned to a certain friend via text that I was off to the hairdressers for a trim. He asked me if it was an upstairs and downstairs trim. I didn't have time to answer and ran out of the door. All the way up the road I was wondering if that hair salon had another floor and resolved to ask.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I came out of the salon looking the same as I went in (just as I wanted) to find diversion signs everywhere and I was informed that a massive hole had appeared in the road round the corner (collapsed sewer) and buses could now only be caught at the station or hospital avoiding the town centre for a few days. I decided to go to the station as I hadn't been there for a while. All the bus drivers were up there waving their arms around excitedly and discussing this big hole that had upset the routes and schedules! I took this picture while I was there and then jumped on a 71 just remembering to pick up my clock and mealworms before I did so.

There endeth Wednesday with a couple of lovely chats during the day too. I forgot to mention about the hair salon only having one floor. Oh well... Oh! That clock makes birdie noises on the hour and it was a blue tit at 9pm!

Track? Let's have a bit of Jimi for a change - Hear My Train A Comin'

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