From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Watching you, watching me...

Much as I love these long hot days working at home, after I've had my dinner (sausages and broccoli bake today) I can barely keep my eyes open!

I didn't get out at all today, determined to get my current report finished. The day started cool but I had the blinds shut by 9 blocking out that gorgeous sunshine.

As I worked away, the hours marched by with my birdie clock marking the hours. It took me back to original days of Poplar Road being part of the Oracle Project Team moving all the HR/Payroll data from the old systems to the new. I used to have little ornaments with wobbly heads dotted around the office called sunshine buddies, hidden on top of cupboards and windowsills behind books. They were solar powered and would make seagull noises every 15 minutes or so. I think I drove most people insane eventually....

It was a very quiet day really but it was pleasant with two lovely chats, one morning and one after work which made me wish I was somewhere else sat on a bench soaking up the sun and breathing in the air ....

Track? Jimi again to go with my early visitor -
Foxy Lady

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