Living my dream

By Mima

Thank you Blip

Usually I bag my Blip in the first half of the day, when something (or someone) pops up in front of me and catches my eye. It didn't happen today. 

Well, that's not quite true, I did take a few photos of Bean, but I decided yet another boring Bean Blip was a bit lame. 

So this afternoon I had a wee walk round Chez Mima specifically to seek Blipworthy shots.

Lo and behold, a Blip appeared. It was a sight I'd not registered until I walked about with my eyes properly open, specifically to take photos. It is amazing what we don't see, until we look.

The daisy bushes are still flowering, deep into winter. And there are heaps of buds ready to open. I don't recall this happening in previous years; and it can't be because it's been a warm winter so far, because it certainly hasn't. 

No matter what the reason, I will now delight in their blooms. And all thanks to the desire for a Blip.

I have made a Gouda cheese today, and picked the last 22 capsicum peppers. 

I also discovered that the two butternut squashes in store have small rotten patches so they will have to be used in the next few days. Risotto, savoury pie, curry. I will have enough for all three dishes.

It is due to rain all of tomorrow, so cooking will be a good occupation...

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