
By SparseRunner


After yesterday's lovely warm, sunny evening, today we woke to thick cloud and steady rain. Following up on a recommendation from a friend of A who lives in Copenhagen, we took two metros to get out to a cafe called Laundromat. There we had an excellent brunch. On leaving we were glad to take up the café owner's offer of an abandoned umbrella, which saved A and her backpack from getting soaked.. Back in the centre of Copenhagen, we found somewhere for a second coffee and discussed what to do. I didn't fancy visiting a museum in soaking clothes, and I had my slides to prepare for tomorrow. So A headed off to the Design Museum, and I went back to the hotel.

The rain had eased a bit by then, so I stopped early and crossed an area of grassland and trees to give myself some exercise. The remarkable building on the horizon turned out to be a hotel (see extra).

Back in the hotel, I prepared my slides, and then did my bit so that И could create a version of HiGHS to fix an error, before settling down in the lounge to watch the England Vs Slovakia match. 

After the match, which was had to watch for a long time, but ultimately satisfying, И arrived at our hotel, and we had a short but pleasant walk lit by the low sun, to have a meal at the restaurant of the hotel in the extra. Hence I could replace the photo!

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