All Back Safely

I woke at 6am and desided to go and take some pictures.

As I passed the lifeboat station the tractor and trailer used to launch/recover the lifeboat were outside ....... empty - and there were a couple of cops and support crew hanging about.
So of course I had to stop and get a few pictures (to follow when I get home).
A few minutes later a coastgaurd vehicle pulled up with a lady wrapped in blankets.
She had been missing all night apparently but was found safe and well.
I hung around and took some more pictures as the lifeboat was picked up, washed down, refueled and put away.
Then I went and dried the camera ............. the pillock apprentice managed to hose down me and the tractor driver.

After I was finished taking pictures it was back to the B&B for breakfast - a full fry up with loads of tea and toast .......... lovely.

The morning was spent on a very leisurely drive to the ferry slipway at Portavadie.
Ridiculace prices to nip over to Tarbet (about 5 minutes I reacon) ....... that is CalMac for you.

So I took some pictures of the really good graffitti artwork in the derelict marina holiday home complex.
Then it was on the Otter Ferry to sit and read for a while and just to enjoy the peace and quiet (apart from the tractors in the fields) and enjoy the weather and view over the bottom of Loch Fyne.

Once back in Tignabruaich we stopped off at the lifeboat station to buy some 'stuff' and give a donation in the shop.

Back to the B&B then where we lazed on the lawn and had a picnic, until I had to give up because of the clegs drinking my blood (Why just me?)

This evening we hedaed off to a hotel overlooking the marina for a bar meal.
I have never had such a good - and formal - bar meal in my life.
Drinks in the 'lounge bar' (a huge room with wonderful nautical paintings and models, big deep armchairs and settees and a good music background) then shown to our seats where we had a fantasic seafood pasta topped with massive locally caught langoustines to top it off. I then had a lovely Cranachan served with a very large dram,

Once again SWMBO had made a great choice of where to eat.

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