Living my dream

By Mima


We got back up onto Cape Wanbrow for our first decent walk there for over a month. 

I checked first with Nicola the Physio that it wasn't a stupid idea to walk the down-up-down-up path. She declared it would do me good, as long as I took it "sensibly". 

As we all know I am expert at "sensible" these days, so off we went with joy in our hearts. Bean rediscovered the bunnies and I rediscovered the beauty of the coastscape.

It was a hard choice of Blip, between this sky and the extra of Bean looking for rabbits amongst the early-blooming flowering currant bushes. But this was the 'wow' photo when I uploaded them, so it became the main.

Nicola is delighted with my progress. She studied my x-ray results and declared my back to be as good as any 62-year-old's. Wear and tear is to be expected, and most pleasing is that there is minimal change since my last back x-ray in 2013 (which wasn't greeted with such delight by my GP at the time). 

Since 2013 my weight has dropped by 22kg, I have given up a super-stressful job, and I have fully adopted a physical lifestyle. As Nicola said "It is absolutely clear from the x-ray results that you have got it right."

Exit a beaming Mima.

That's not to say that my current problems are behind me quite. I have new daily exercises, and I'm to aim for 20% more activity each week. And although I was beaming, at the same time my ears were ringing with Nicola's warning "The next two weeks are the real danger time: don't push yourself too much." I see her again in a fortnight.

The other reason I'm feeling particularly chipper today is that Wimbledon has started and I can watch it free on TVNZ+ this year. 

Happy days.

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