
By orchid99


Last year I joined a lovely trip to Highgrove. It was my first visit and I very quickly became enthusiastic about the achievements of King Charles.

May I firmly encourage fellow blippers to make a visit. If only we had a monarchy with real power, this planet and our natural world would be far less jeopardised than it is. (I’m not a monarchist at all, but this truth seems evident.)

I indulged in a sandwich, with a salad garnish, with a magnificent horseradish vinaigrette.

I looked to buy some horseradish but there was only horseradish cream for sale. 

I looked up a recipe for this gorgeous dressing and it absolutely needed fresh, grated horseradish.

I looked everywhere. None for sale.
I asked my favourite skilled gardeners at Elford Walled Garden. So many of them have uprooted their horseradish as it is such a villain, spreading out of control.
I looked on the RHS plant site and they had none for sale.

I even looked on Amazon….and they had silly priced individual roots, not from recognised suppliers !

I gave up.

Just before Christmas, I noticed that Waitrose had a bit of plastic wrapped fresh horseradish root. It was pricey but I gave in.

Experiment, I thought.
I cut it into three.
One piece in the freezer. A disaster.
One piece grated to make the magic vinaigrette. Lovely.

The third piece I shoved in a pot.

Voila !  The saga continues……

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