On Some Days

By V1k1

Walking In The Sunshine . . . Roger Miller

Today I wanted to take Jen to see Reservoir Creek.  I asked the forester to come to in case I couldn't remember the way.  He proved very useful as a steadying arm on the slippery, steep parts of the track.  I think we would have turned back without him.  Once there it was hard to believe we were so close to town.  The foliage blocks out the houses and it was sunny and quiet.  The forester is reading the info board near the iron pipes imported from Scotland in 1890.  A dam was built across the creek to  create a reservoir water supply for Richmond.  The pipes ran from here down the hill to the town.  The creek runs  to the estruary.  In 1970 it stopped being the town water supply.  We saw dog walkers and a couple of runners.  No bikers today.  
Once back at home we had morning tea on the deck in the sunshine.  We had to put up the umbrella.
Thank you for the comments about yesterdays blip.  I have been retired seven years but all the memories came back to me.  Leith was that generation of men teachers who could turn their hand to anything.  When I went to college the guys were sporty or musical and intellectual.  Not so well rounded.  Now days it's hard to find a man teaching younger children.  When I left there was one lone man teacher on the staff.  

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