River of Flowers

By doffy

Fourth of July

General Election in British Isles - we did postal votes which we delivered to Council Offices on Tuesday.

Took advantage of the dry breezy weather and washing dried outdoors.

I started cutting back the very prickly pink rose which grows alongside the steps near the Cordyline, they’ve been flowering since Easter and have had a good pruning now - a few flower found their way into a vase in the kitchen, very delicate perfume, today’s Blip :-)

Made Actifry pizzas for tea with homemade topping of tomato and veggies, delicious  …

Another few episodes of “Spooks” and I’ve remembered that “Rownd a Rownd” is on too … then watch Election results, if we can stay awake …

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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