
By Croft16

Early Christmas..

..very warm today (21 deg C), and hazy out to sea. So hazy it's a job to see where the sea ends and the sky starts..

Did some pottering in the tunnel, pottered in the garden, and got all ready to go weeding carrots, when I get an order for veg. Harvested, and delivered, on the return journey saw this boat and thought it would look as if it was flying as you couldn't see the join between the sea and sky. So when I got home, thought I go and capture it. Now realise that my 18-55 mm lens is not good enough for zooming in close. On the way home Tanni found that ditch again, so it was a trip down to the dog washing machine..!

Weeded some carrots after..

Camera club tonight..


Do I get a prize for being the first one to use the "C" word?

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