secret garden

By freespiral

Rag tree Buxton style

Second full day of the conference and another very early and intense start. I was on just after the coffee break and thankfully decided to approach the tech guy and get my stick organised. As he stuck it in his computer an alarming message came up - empty! I knew this couldn’t be right as I had checked it that very morning. Instant nervous breakdown but what a hero, Will, who had just arrived to support me, calmly took charge, somehow downloaded my talk from the ether, stuck it on the tech guy’s stick and all was grand! Disaster averted and I even had time for some deep breaths and a strong coffee!  In the event, it went very well and Will said my talk was the best ( in fairness he only saw three others!) He left for the rest of the day and I remained for the final sessions - all very interesting and mostly very local. I was delighted to see blipper Spots of Time credited in the presentation from the Lost Wells of Galloway talk - it seems she very nearly nipped down to Buxton too.

Will and I had a gentle mosey around the town afterwards to decompress - a lot of yarn bombing and this very poignant row of rags by each one a pledge by a Catholic church that child abuse would never happen again, or a story from a survivor.

 Fish and chips and an early night.

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