Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Another hot day

So we are about to have the hottest weekend since 2006 - it has been amazing how long this period of hot weather has lasted, usually it is only for a couple of days but not this time, it seems.

Thomas broke up today and it was sad saying goodbye to some teachers who are leaving. We have been parents at his school for 12 years now so we have known some of the teachers for a very long time.

Luke has to do an extended project on his relevant subject for his university application - as he plans to read Modern Languages (French and German) he is doing a project on the French writer Baudelaire. This project has to be well researched, so Wikipedia just won't do. Consequently he needed access to a university library, and the nearest to us is the University of Surrey (Guildford). Now that he has his driver's licence it was a relief that he could just zip off there by himself - except that the library required me to sign a form as he is under 18 years old. So we went off in two cars, I signed the form and left him working there and then I came home. But not before I wandered around the campus a little, and found this pretty lake amongst all the modern buildings. It was a cool haven where these people were relaxing, in the shade away from the heat of the day.

And as for Adam...well he is off to yet another party tonight. He tells me that it is only once in his life that he has just finished GCSE exams, and so party season it is. I suspect I will hear those same words after many other sets of exams to come.

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