
By KathyH58

Another daylily

I checked my 2023 garden journal tonight to see how many daylilies I had listed in it compared to how many I actually planted. I have 4 listed, but I actually planted about 30 different ones. This one is listed in my garden journal and it is called 'Zodiac Express'. But I do not remember buying it or who I bought it from. One of my local grower friends has it listed on his website for $45 but I don't remember paying that much for one daylily last year.

A busy day. Weeding at 2 properties this morning, then I had to meet with a new client to see what she wants done. Sent the crew on to the third job to do the weeding, then when I got there they loaded some brush onto the truck from a tree that was cut down. I took the crew over to another property where E was working and she needed some extra help. I took one worker with me to do a dump run. On the way back we stopped to pick up some bags of mulch. I dropped the mulch off and left the crew to spread it. I had to meet with another client to see what he wants done at a rental property that he has. Came home, changed my clothes and took the truck for an oil change. Then went to a potluck BBQ.

We picked up the mulch at Home Depot. The last time I was in there I had customers asking me questions. The same thing happened today. M and I were standing near the cash (the same cashier was working), we were waiting for help to arrive to load the mulch. Two other women came along and asked us for help getting some mulch. I stepped back a bit so she could see the cashier who was wearing a Home Depot apron, and I told her that we don't work there.

A year ago I had my truck in for an oil change and I asked them to check for an oil leak since there were spots on the driveway. The mechanic claimed he couldn't find any leak, that it was from the way the oil filter was placed. I have had the oil changed twice since then and nothing was said about an oil leak. It has been getting worse (more oil spots on the driveway) and I even had to add oil a couple of weeks ago. When I went in today I was a bit upset with them because they should have checked it better a year ago. The mechanic did find an oil leak this time, hopefully I will receive a quote by the end of this week. I think I will start looking for a new mechanic.

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