The Good Book

Another fabulous breakfast - and a good chinwag with the owners......... another couple from south of the border.
I am sure that all the buisnesses in Tighnabruaich are run by southerners and that half the village is up for sale.

We decided not to head home via the ferry but to go the long way round via Loch Fyne (we waved Mary - several times .... since we don't know where your house actually is), Loch Lomond and Stirling.

But first stop was Kilmodan Kirk (built in 1783 on the site of earlier churchs dating back to the 14th century) and which has a collection of grave slabs from 14thC-15thC

We had a nice quiet drive back as far as Alexandra where SWMBO wanted to go into the 'shopping centre' at the old motor factory (which has a wonderful stairway in the entrance hall)
There were roadworks and the traffic lights were not working which meant everything was stationary.
Luckily our escape was relatively easy because we bypassed them through the car park into the empty section of road.

We stopped off at friends when we were nearly home so that I could try and find out how much and when I have to pay for a trip we are making to Harris later in the year.

Some of the promised pictures of the days away are HERE

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