
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 76/91
Main activity: Wed - errands x2, pool
Notes: Got up ~615a, chatted w/ Jo some on Signal. Started another dry fast after taking magnesium last night @9p - went until 1p when I needed some water. Ran out in the morning to thrift store (took a couple bags and found 2 shirts and a few little kitchen things - got a hand mixer!). Went to pool for a little longer than usual ... some little breezes and seemingly slightly lower humidity made it a bit nicer. Hand washed my 2 new shirts in my manual washer and then ran to UPS Store (return red mixer I got the other day) and stopped at Publix - was wanting some pure smoked salmon and found one on sale. Also picked up a butter and heavy cream on sale and just enjoyed walking around a bit in the cold AC. Huge blooming clouds when I exited Publix! Laid down just after 2p to do a meditation and was out pretty quick and slept hard. Woke and wasn't able to move right away, finally up 4p. Decided around 5p to eat something light after I drank some electrolytes - had a 1-egg omelet w/ cheese and 1 carnivore pancake w/ butter and some fresh whipped cream. Watched JC/Janine vid and online then until 6p.

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