
By amandoAlentejo

Celebrating the Earth

Another rich day. First a talk by a sort of Portuguese Isabella Tree, Alfredo, who is trying to run his huge herdade in a sustainable way, and a journalist, Guerreiro, on agriculture and landscape - lots of interesting ideas, but again, no visuals and not an organised flow. (Maybe I should offer speaking classes??)

Anyway, then a (unpleasantly hot) walk, led by a Dance Company, down the hill to the stone circle (extra), where the dancers were joined by a Spanish musician, Abraham Cupeiro, who researches and constructs his own ancient instruments, and then plays them, together with modern orchestras. Absolutely amazing. 

Then, to the sound of Portuguese bagpipes, to the recently restored (and very impressive) Orado Convent, where we were treated to an incredible concert (second extra), ending with a composition of his, telling the story of a ship sinking, and the captain being rescued by whales; the whales' singing done on two different conch shells.

If you have me on WhatsApp, I've put some extracts.

- all this for free!
- a special meal at the Orada, to end with
- moonlit walk back up the hill, to our car, and the shining Lake on the way home

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