
By Munroist4113


Here’s some of our dinner last night. I forgot to photograph the main course before it was served so it’s not looking as good as it was before. Top is the Lithuanian soup, then the salads and aubergine, butter bean, cashew nut and smoked tofu dish. Bottom is the layered summer pudding. Lynne and Gavin really enjoyed it and we had a lovely evening.

Mr C went to the PYO fruit farm today for rasps for the freezer.

I saw it was 2 years since I started knitting my Shetland coat. I am determined to finish it for winter. I’m now decreasing on the left front with the right to do plus the button band. I’ve worked in most of the ends as I went along so that saves all the endless sewing later.

This year I joined the WI as they do lots of fundraising for the hospice and women’s refuge as well as monitoring the local river for pollution levels. I’ve only been to one meeting and it wasn’t my thing but I’ll go tonight as I have stuff to hand in for the refuge. It’s going to be circle dancing but I might escape.

We started watching The Jetty last night and we are enjoying it.

#2 daughter has booked a Christmas ski holiday in Bulgaria for the 6 of us. (#3 and family will be at a wedding in South Africa so we’d be sad without them). However we don’t know Phil’s shifts yet so it might come to nothing.

Friend Jo is upset as her son has not been granted a visa for their Turkmenistan trip.

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