
By Munroist4113

Legacy of the 60s

It’s been a gorgeous sunny day with 28 degrees which wasn’t the easiest for city walking. We went to Marion and Ken’s in Heaton and we all had a walk. First we went up the steps to Armstrong Park where Marion and 2 others try to keep 2 enormous herbaceous borders under control. (The council has no funds to do). However they are fighting a losing battle with ground elder, sticky Willie and bishop weed.

We carried on up Jesmond Dene as far as the derelict water mill where a young woman offered to take our photo. We crossed the bridge and headed back passing an incongruous throw-back to the T Dan Smith era - a high rise building of over 30 floors. The top floors are reputed to sway in the wind. He was leader of the council in the 1960s His aim was to clear Newcastle of slum housing and his plan was to transform the city into "The Brasilia of the North". He was disgraced and pleaded guilty to corruption charges relating to his dealings with the architect Poulson in 1974.

Conversation ranged from families (we go back from daughters stating school together so 45 years), gardens, psychology, teachers, exhibitions, travel (they had travelled in the Baltic States by public transport), memory, festivals, making stained glass and more. But despite our age, nothing about health issues - though she’s grateful her husband is 17 years her junior. He can fill in what she’s forgotten whereas Mr C and I have to combine our brains to get one reasonably functioning one.

I did remember to take the strimmer to #3 daughter. We called in with a bottle of champagne for her as her new job is official. I don’t know the title but it’s promotion and involves liaison with the universities about the student teachers in her school and other schools, and mentoring them.

School’s out for summer. Let’s hope they get the weather. Ella was jumping on her pogo stick and Nathaniel told us we were among only 5% of the world’s population to have visited over 100 countries.

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