
By Teasel


I heard TT heading off to work, and thought I would lie for a wee while longer, then get up and go for a walk.  The next thing I knew it was 10:30am – just as well that I had already booked today off on annual leave..  I have done a lot of sleeping these past few days.  I felt totally worn out when I eventually got up, but I am definitely feeling back to normal this evening.  I had a very slow morning – what was left of it – just pottering around the house, thinking about lunch and tea, and doing a few chores.  I eventually went out to get some lunch, and it was very warm. I took a bit of a detour around by the river to enjoy the sunshine.  I bumped into a couple of friends who were out for a lunchtime walk.
I picked up a sandwich from a local café for my lunch and headed home to have lunch in the garden.  BB said it was too hot to be sitting outside.  He popped in and out, but kept retreating back to the shade of the house.  I then got  my book out and read for a wee while, until the sun disappeared and it started to get very dark.  I took the washing in, but sat outside until he rain came.  I then retreated into the house and did some housework.
Later, once the rain had gone off, I dragged BB out for a walk along the railway path to the supermarket to pick up a couple of things for tea.  I made a new roast vegetable and paneer tray bake, served with a crunchy salad,  and it was very tasty. 
Much later BB disappeared off to the beach – after talking about going all day! It was such a lovely evening, that I went out for another walk, to make up for my lack of steps last week.
My new geum is starting to flower, and a hover fly was taking a rest!

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