
By maureen6002


Blood test this morning to check whether the thyroxine tablets have corrected my thyroid levels. Judging by my energy levels, I suspect there’s a way to go yet! 

I phone Walton to see if there’s any update on the date for my surgery, to find that my case is still waiting approval from the anaesthetist team - apparently there are ‘issues’! At least they promise to call me back when they know more. 

I often feel tired, but I rarely feel as completely drained as I do today, and I find it hard to keep my eyes open to read my latest book - Kala by Colin Walsh.  I’m always reluctant to sleep during the day as my nocturnal sleep is so intermittent, but today I just have to give in and doze. 

Feeling slightly better, I wander into the garden to try some macro photography for today’s abstract challenge, in the end settling for the heart of one of my purchased sunflowers.  

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting! 

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