Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Swedish Design


I am so glad I have taken the entire day off today. I am not sleeping well at the moment, not even with my grounding sheet so the night was short. Short, because Wednesday is the day Nara comes and we have to (preferably) be out of the flat!

I suggested we go to Festival City as we get free coffee at IKEA during the week. :)) We began with said free coffee and a small snack, and then walked around the store. G has been tidying things up in the flat and coming up with ideas of what will work well. From going in saying we didn't need anything, we sure did a lot of shopping!

Whilst drinking our coffee, we found ourselves sitting only slightly higher than the top "shelf" in the market hall. G asked one of the staff about how they get items up so high, and to my amazement, he got someone to show her how the right type of fork-lift truck, expertly handled can do unbelievable things, like lift up to 750kgs on a pallet, over 20 metres high.

Plans to have a whiz through Carrefour were soon scrapped, and we were home for lunch via Spinneys. We visited a colleague in the evening - Shveta and her husband, armed with an original (UK version) Monopoly board, that Amazon delivered on time. We had a good evening, with home-cooked food, but ran out of time to play either Monopoly or UNO.

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