Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



Yesterday when we were in DFC, we noted that Carrefour had some wonderful-looking produce on offer but we had too much shopping already to carry home, so came back today to get some of their goodies. [We had a walk around the Mall first, for some exercise.] The fruit and veg were top of the list. We are also on the hunt for tea. Ahmad Tea to be precise. Their English Breakfast Tea is comparable to the brand that we drink every day (PG Tips) but sadly, EBT was not included in the promo, so we came home with a packet of English Tea No. 1 (whatever that is) and Special Blend.

G continues to make improvements to the flat before she leaves on holiday. It's all looking very tidy and efficient. My ironing pile, which G has sorted into tops and bottoms, looks like it will need several hours to finish. Yikes!

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