Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Today has been about Pickle. She's not very well and is in the vet hospital for the weekend.
Cats health can change so quickly. I noticed she wasn't eating last night, she had eaten only around half of her day's food over the 24hour period and had been sick too
This morning she wasn't interested in food at all but otherwise was her usual happy self just not moving around as much. She's still young, only 13. The vet thinks it's a kidney issue but just how bad we'll have to wait and see. She's Ali's cat really but has spent a lot of her life with us. Ali came over this morning and after a phone call and a request to take Pickle in, they spent over an hour in the vets having blood tests and other examinations. She's on IV fluids over the weekend to see if they can flush out the kidneys and get them working again properly. Poor Pickle, she's the most gentle cat I've ever met.
My blip is the Monstera Deliciosa I was given by Colin's cousin for my birthday. She thought it would sit well in the spot my fish tank used to occupy. Ali had a similar idea, in front of the jug is a pretty piece of glass with fishes on it to be a replacement aquarium.

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