Hyde park, London

A free (yes totally FREE!!) concert courtesy of Elton John being in poor health and having to cancel his performance. I went with one of the girls from work and some of her friends. Didn't even consider having the camera BUT she made me paranoid saying cameras with interchangeable lens not allowed. Therefore mostly I kept mine in the bug but I couldn't resist this truck (oops I chopped the top of the sign off). The stage and surrounding bars/minor stages were magnificent and OMG don't even get me started on the toilets they were spacious, clean, soap, hot water and driers - Hype Park you have done London proud I've been to a lot of gigs/festival/events in parks and NEVER have I seen toilets so clean even at the end of the evening. Had two glasses of Pimms :)

Diet - Apache threw up this morning but my the time I got a cloth and cleaner he'd eaten it again!! But I cam home to more sick and uneaten food - he did manage a few diet biscuits - lol at this rate the diet will only need to last a few weeks if he's not eating he'll be skinny in no time at all.

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