Again and Again

By Ripitup

Bug collector

Yvonne, Marion and I went for a lunchtime swim in the river. It was the warmest day of the year so far so a very good day for us to have arranged it. There were plenty of others with the same plan; a little black dog was bouncing, gazelle like, in and out of the water until the two men with her spotted a jellyfish and lifted her out. It was a moon jellyfish which is pretty innocuous for adult humans. The men thought it was large but I'd go with medium.

We swam out to and around a couple of buoys. Yvonne went back in for more too and then we enjoyed drinks and sandwiches at the nearby tearoom.

When we got back to the car Yvonne told us about her insect tracking app and we spied a wedding party 'doing photos'in the garden across the road.

Immediately after work I headed to a pub garden with MrRIU. I was annoyed that he declared his chicken wings too messy to eat and insisted on stopping for chips on the way home as I don't like food waste. I only had a large note on me and the chip shop only takes cash. I needed a few other things from the supermarket and thought I'd use it and get change but the Asda self service till didn't accept it. Fortunately the chip shop could.

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