
By fennerpearson

Red bridge

Next run on the Runna plan: an "easy 5.6 miles". The pace is defined as 11' 40 per mile, which I struggled with, as I think I always run either at a pace I'm comfortable with or that of the person I'm running with. I'm not used to consciously going at a certain speed. 

My route took in stretches of the Irwell, which was very pleasant, and included this bridge, boldly painted in red, which I wholeheartedly applaud. 

Pace issues notwithstanding, it was an enjoyable early evening run, and once I'd freshened up, I walked down to Hannah's and then the two of us ambled across the Northern Quarter to meet up with Izzy and two of her friends, Beth and James, whom I met when we visited Sierra Leone last year. 

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