
By maureen6002

White Water

There’s a camera club workshop today - one of the monthly events that take place over the summer break. I’ve missed the previous two, so I’m determined to make this one despite feeling tired and less than enthusiastic about the weather. 

This is taking place at the Welsh National White Water Centre near Bala. The forecast is for rain, but of course this will make no difference to the kayaking and rafting taking place - and sure enough, we arrive in steady drizzle. G goes off to explore Bala having decided against his walking plans, while I meet up with other members who have set up by the river. 

The place is heaving, which is good for us, and soon we’re photographing kayakers who are mad enough to launch themselves off a near vertical panel slide into the river Tryweryn. These groups of thrill seekers  land into clouds of spray, surface and immediately launch into race mode as they speed down the river. 

More ‘normal’ kayaking is also taking place as individuals hurtle down the course, negotiating the grade three and four rapids with varying degrees of skill and confidence. Then there are the groups of youngsters rafting down the river with expressions ranging from excitement to near-terror. The photographic opportunities are endless. 

I stay for two hours - and fortunately the rain has stopped halfway through this time. It’s home to rest - and begin the downloading and editing of over 1000 images! 

Tonight we have a fiftieth birthday party to attend - and though I’m really not feeling up to it, I  quite enjoy chatting with neighbours. Entertainment is a Freddie Mercury Tribute Act - and he’s actually rather good, but I’m definitely not up to dancing so we leave for an early night instead! 

Inevitability there’s a white water set today - and apologies for the very late posting plus lack of comments. 

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