
By ArcLight

More popping

The poppies have been through a number of different phases already. Previously the deep purple ones were dominant. Now it's red and white ones. They did look "popping" in the morning sunshine, after the fairly heavy and certainly persistent rain last night and overnight. It was scheduled to be quite sunny today, but it wasn't really. After a sunny start, it has been pretty grey, fairly cold in the morning, and then warmer and also a bit drizzly later on.

After a 10am swim at Shandwick, where I concentrated on swimming rather than on taking pictures and where the water was by no means as silky as yesterday, I've been chilling at home. I had a reasonable night of sleep last night with only one big splurge of coughing around 12 midnight. But I'm missing a fair amount of sleep and while I've been trying to read a book intermittently this afternoon, mostly when I picked it up, I found my eyes closing. I had a 30 minute doze in the middle of the afternoon, and I'm looking forward to an early night tonight.

So...Joe Biden has stepped down. This is precisely the worst scenario as most people don't think Kamala Harris is up to it, and it will now be a coronation as nominee. Look forward to President Trump, folks. Thank goodness at least that we've had a change of government.

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