Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The money-box where I put my spare change was getting full so I spent some time this morning sorting it into four bags, There were 2ps, 5ps,10ps. and 20ps.  It came to £22.  I remembered the Mono Monday challenge was " 4 " so I was pleased to have a ready made blip.  Thanks to JacZero for hosting.

Walked down to the village to get some food shopping - and I dropped off a couple of carrier bags of stuff at the charity shop.  As there are no banks in the village any more I went to the Post Office to pay my coins into my bank account.

It had rained on and off all morning but it was dry when I walked to the village around 3.30pm.  However it was far from dry when I walked home - the rain was torrential.  I was glad to get indoors to change into dry clothes and relax with a cup of coffee.

Steps today - 6,770

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