
By soozaday

Taking Flight

I started out to make pozole for dinner in the InstantPot, but when I went to get the pork out of the freezer, a package of chicken bones leapt out, so I figured I’d set up some broth to simmer in the background. And as long as I was in the kitchen I thought I might as well make a dent in our plum supply, so I fixed up another pot to make a jam filling for some oat bars, which themselves took another couple of bowls to assemble. By the time I was finished, I’d used up (and washed) a phenomenal number of dishes and tools. The house smelled fabulous, and we have leftovers for tomorrow, chicken broth for the freezer, and a big pan of Plum Cobbler Bars to see us through the week. I did get to sit outside for a bit, successfully working out a problem with my knitted chicken, only to create another snag before I put the whole thing away and went to talk to the vegetables. They can be quite a comfort at the end of the day.

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