Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Campanula rotundifolia

I love all campanulas - even the invasive ones - but this is probably my favourite, the harebell.  So delicate but such a wonderfully robust shape and that gorgeous blue..

Anyway, found on my walk and blipped before the pace of the day hotted up too much - which it did in the end.  Coffee this morning with Little Sis - which was lovely.  But then more prescription mistakes to untangle, bits to buy, cleaning to do, Hazel to walk up to the vet for a very expensive and quite useless appointment - you get the picture!  It means that once again I've found myself at this point in the early evening feeling exhausted and rather out-of-sorts (yes, I know, hopeless).  

I have therefore rather shamefully cut my losses and turned my comments off just for this evening.  Journals will be looked at and enjoyed, hearts and stars spread and an early night focused on, so please forgive me and I hope we can talk tomorrow.

Take care  xx

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