This is the day

By wrencottage

Fledgling robin

A fledgling robin having a drink at the bird bath early this morning. 

It’s been another busy day of cat feeding, doing laundry and taking a chart of Smithers’ blood pressure readings to the doctors’ surgery. We set out to do that together this afternoon, but Smithers had to give up and walk home after we got to the top of our road because his neck and shoulders were hurting so much. His congenital spinal curvature was exacerbated by his spells in hospital last year and now he often has difficulty in lifting his head sufficiently to enable him to walk comfortably.

After he’d turned back to go home, I picked up the pace, walking briskly to the surgery to drop off the readings, and then taking a detour to the Winston Churchill statue and back before returning home. This sudden burst of activity on my part was, would you believe, a reaction to having been alerted by my watch that my activity levels have gone down significantly over the past three weeks. The technology was ticking me off! But it had the desired effect …

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