Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This morning was the first time in 16 and 1/2 years we've woken in a home without Phoebe.  To say that she has left a vacuum behind would be an understatement although Jax and Charlie are doing their best to fill the space (thank goodness).  Phoebe was always a talker whereas Charlie rarely meows so the absence of cat-talk is noticeable.  We are both feeling very sad but trying to reflect back on all the wonderful memories rather than the last week.  

In spite of rain showers, I went out in the garden with my camera, looking for a dose of nature-therapy to soothe my heart.  And I wasn't disappointed.  There are baby birds all over the place including a small brood (two) of chipping sparrows (baby on right).  They are amazingly polite little babies, making the softest trilling call asking to be fed - and they never jump on the parent or each other trying to cut the food line.  In that respect, they have a lot in common with the baby cardinals who are also very polite and well mannered.  There is a male cardinal coming around right now with three youngsters in tow and I had hoped to get a good shot of him feeding one of them today, but I ended up liking this shot better. I will put a shot of one of the baby cardinals in Extra.

I contacted a local shelter today to see if they would like food, crates and some other things and they responded that they'd love everything.  They adopt out both cats and dogs and also do a lot of other community work with feral cats and such.  A great local organization and I feel good about giving all the leftover food, treats, etc to them.  Charlie needs to be on a special diet so he really shouldn't eat all the various cans and pouches of things we were trying to entice Phoebe with.  

Both Charlie and Jax are a little off kilter right now, not surprisingly.  Jax is especially clingy and both of them seem to be looking for Phoebe.  It is going to take us all some time to adjust.  

Thank you so much for all the kind words over the past days.  I have shed tears in the past when pets I've come to know on Blip have passed - it's just another aspect of this community that is unique and special.  I feel like it isn't just me and Hubs who've lost Phoebe, and that brings me some comfort.  


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