Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Wonderings With My Little Man

Today has been a normal Monday. Little Man and I got up and had breakfast, then I started on the house reset. It wasn't the easiest thing to do with an energetic toddler running about the downstairs but I managed to get most of it done, albeit twice as long as it would normally take. My parents took Little Man out for a walk so I could finish off, basically do the mopping.

Caleb came round just after midday and spent most the afternoon with us. I took Little Man for a walk, via the supermarket to get milk, as Caleb was having a deep conversation with our parents.

We went along the main road, in search of tractors and lorries, which Little Man is a big fan of. We watched the boats go past and saw this lady on her paddleboard going past. Now that summer seems to have finally arrived, those who own boats are spending a lot of time on the waterways. We enjoy watching them go past.

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