
By Marionb


At last! I finally finished my phonebook for my 1987 trip to the UK! It is currently on its way to be printed! 

What a challenge that was..all those slides to be digitized, all those  slides that did not convert well, all those slides of places I had not labeled and now had no idea where they were taken! No journal for reference, only a few letters and postcards written home to my daughter, and oh yes, a little notebook listing overnight stays and expenses! Yikes!  
But I am so glad I went to the effort and put together the pieces of the puzzle I did have. 

I had vivid memories of some highlights of that trip, but reading those letters home showed me how much one can forget over the years - experiences you think you will never forget, places you stayed or visited and cannot remember anything about..people you met and had not thought about in decades... It reminded me of just how valuable the journals I now keep will be to me in the future! 

As I worked on the book, I traced our route on my road atlas of Britain and was amazed at how much territory we covered in so little time! Oh the energy of youth! Those days of "touring" are long gone for me now. I like to take a much more leisurely approach these days....:)) 

PS: back-blipped from July 25! got away from me...

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