
By Teasel

Looks Like Rain

TT had decided to work from home today – which is very unusual.  I headed into Edinburgh as usual.  The office was quiet again, but I had loads on, including a morning of back to back meetings.  I needed the afternoon to do some real work.
I also needed to pop out to the Post office, something I’ve been meaning to do all week.  I eventually found time in the middle of the afternoon – and even though I wasn’t going far, it seemed to take a while, a s Edinburgh is so busy, and everyone is dawdling, and/or has at least one suitcase on wheels, which they are often not in control of.  Then there are the tour groups and the school groups.  I won’t go on.
Anyway, it was then back to the office and it was 6pm, before I knew it.  I didn’t leave for another hour.  My bus home was busy, and I was joined by BB’s girlfriend, who had been at the gym, who got on at a stop after me.  It was nice to chat to her, as I haven’t seen her for a wee while.
TT was home alone when I got in – but he had tea ready.  BB appeared home from rugby training later, complaining about all his aches.  I then popped out for some steps and when I came out of the supermarket it was raining, so I got rather wet on my way home.
I forgot my phone again today, so this is an emergency blip from this evening, not long  before the rain.

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