
By Teasel

Man On A Ladder

When I woke up I was thinking about something I hadn’t done yesterday, so I got up quite early, fired up my laptop and did what I needed to do.  I logged off before anyone noticed I had even been there.  Next it was time to get eh washing machine going and I worked up some enthusiasm to go out for a run.  It was quite a nice run.  Quite warm, so I took it very easy.   Once the washing was hung out, and I had grabbed some toast, I headed into Edinburgh to get my haircut.  First of all I retuned two impulse buys to M&S.   I thought they would be nice for holiday, but decided I would probably never wear them, so I took them back.
By the time I got to the hairdresser I was feeling rather weary, and when I was left under the heat lamp, with a magazine, I may well have dozed off, except I was just too hot.  By the time I left with my newly shorn locks, I had woken up a bit.  It took me a while to get a bus back into town, and town was of course incredibly busy.  I was fortunate in that my bus stopped right outside M&S, so I dashed off and into the food hall, where I picked up some stuff for tea, then raced along to the bus stop to get my bus home.  TT was on the bus, and was very surprised to see me.
Once home, I quickly fed BB and then dropped him at a friend’s house.  TT and I had a more leisurely tea and a quiet evening.  Both of use were feeling very weary.
It’s that time of year when Edinburgh is turning into a circus, with men juggling fire, while balancing on a ladder.  Though I didn't actually see any of the juggling.

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