
By Marionb

Storm's a Comin"?

What a day..

The morning was so cold I turned the heat on in the cottage, later ventured out into the screened-in porch wrapped in an afghan to read, and eventually worked my way down to the dock in my fleece with camera when I noted our resident loon cruising around the back bay fishing for lunch. He is such an entertainer...and a real challenge to photograph! He is constantly diving, surfacing only for a fleeting moment to look around before diving again! But aha! I finally caught him this time! (extra) 

When the sky became somewhat ominous (main), I returned up to the cottage for an afternoon in front of the TV to catch up on anything I might have missed in the on-going USA election marathon of surprises! It never fails...there will be something. But "Childless cat ladies"? You must be kidding...."Cat ladies are miserable about their lives"? Why do I even bother to watch? I turned it off...and went back to reading.

As is becoming the expected order of things around here, the sky cleared, the sun came out, and the temperature warmed up again, meaning that when my brother arrived for dinner, we could actually sit comfortably on the dock with some snacks and a glass of wine! Who would have thunk? 

It certainly has been a roller-coaster of weather patterns since I arrived. Who knows what tomorrow holds? 

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