
By rat

Raincoats out

A trip up a Munro today, not the one we originally intended. 
About half a mile up the track for plan A we met some signs saying no access to unauthorised personnel because of forestry work, just near a machine clearing debris and just after a lorry had passed us. We weren't quite sure if it applied to walkers but as it isn't usually there we thought we'd better play safe as who knew what was ahead.
Back down to the carpark and then the Kilbo Path to Dreish - except we decided to give Dreish a miss and go across to Mayar. By this time is was lunchtime but the clouds looked ominous and, unfortunately, they tipped a load of cold, wet rain on us as we were partway through eating, though we did have the raincoats at the ready.
As there wasn't much we could do about the weather we finished eating then started down - cautiously on the wet rocks, repeat of holiday slips not wanted! It wasn't long before the rain stopped and the sun returned, though there were several more showers with a rather wet one about 1k from the car. 
We normally do this hill the other way round and realised why most do, it's very steep and rough with  few awkward moves that are fine going up. Before we got to the steepest bits we met some young lads doing their first Munro, trudging up who wanted to know how far it was to the top and we a were able, truthfully, to tell them they were nearly there.
I only took pics of 5 subjects and I've put a collage of the other 4 in extras, the top 2 on the way up, bottom left on the open bit and the 4th as we were descending, you can see the path in the corrie.
Even with the showers it was a great day for walking.

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