talloplanic views

By Arell

Fortalice Friday

I slept in this morning and missed our monthly coffee-and-a-bun with bikey friends in town, but I got myself together after a lazy breakfast and cycled into town to Cameron Toll to get a travel towel. I had a poke about in one of the outdoors shops while I was there, then went to look at the nearby mansion house called The Inch.

My big book of houses says it was built in 1617, although it's been modified and enlarged so much that hardly anything original remains. It even once had a moat and a drawbridge. A lot of the house now is Georgian and Victorian. Much of the land was sold for council housing and the big house, mostly used for community activities and a nursery garden, sits a bit forlorn now in Inch Park.

It has a nice sundial above the main entrance but the gnomon is missing, so I had to look at my digital watch to see what time it was.

Then home to pour a bit of coolant into Fidra, charge various electronics, and generally fret about what to pack.

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