Living my dream

By Mima


(With apologies to greengirl for briefly taking over her tagline.)

The magic of new growth never fades. Several decades on from the first peas that I ever sowed, and watched them turn into plants which in turn gave me peas to eat and sow again the following year, I am still entranced by life.

The brassicas which I sowed last weekend have just started to push through the soil into the light. In no time at all they will be huge cabbages, cauliflowers and broccoli. 

Like I said - it's magic.

It is 17C again today. I have done a couple of huge washes, all of which is drying on the line. 

There is going to be less opportunity for this sort of carry-on after tomorrow, when a blasting snow-laden southerly starts its slow progress across NZ.

Accordingly my jobs today include stocking up the firewood basket in the study, in anticipation of several days' snuggling up in there. 

And getting frost fleece out of the shed to cover some of the tender plants which have been showing signs of spring growth in the last week. 

I'll give the chooks some extra bedding, for they have taken to roosting overnight on their summer perches and will need cosy nests to retreat into.

Bean's blankets have been washed too in preparation for a lot of use next week.

And my multiple layers of clothing will be back on my body, and the t-shirts put away again. 

I have to remind myself we are still five weeks shy of spring, despite the promising signs...

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