jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Another low-photo day today. Memory shots of my stall at Barties, plus two stock photos of new paintings. Finished this one today! Started working on this cup too, and finished it by the end of the day. Rather liking peacock feathers at the moment.

Interesting day at Barties, I didn't break even, I didn't even make my pitch fees back, but I did give out a whole load of business cards (back in February I think only one person took a card so that in itself was encouraging!) and had some amazing feedback. I had some of the "God" stuff out on display today. Not that I've ever deliberately not put the spiritual things out before, but I've never had any available to display before. Today there was "I'm special because God has loved me for he gave the best thing that he had to save me" and "It was then that you carried me" from the "footprints" poem. They certainly got the Christians smiling and chatting! I've had an offer to display some of my work in a local cafe, and a lady who played violin as part of the day's entertainment, Gail, ended up praying for me in the middle of Barties after we started chatting about playing and singing in the spirit :)

Funny old day.

A quick barbecue dinner of sausage and beer (and cheese sauce and pasta, although both boys decided the sausage was pretty good) followed by a bath and bed. Bean and I were already snoring when Steve came and took Bear away for a drive. I've started sorting out my etsy shop a bit this evening but Bear has been pretty unsettled (maybe it's the heat, I don't know) so there's only a few new bits been added.

Been feeling a bit off today, grumpy and irritable - I don't think I can blame PMT entirely as that should have been last week. Not sure what's getting me annoyed about things so quickly :-/

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