Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

The Eye of the Wind

I haven't walked down to the town for a while, so today we decided to walk down for our Saturday fish instead of taking the car. The town was crowded with tourists and I'm sure I looked like one with my camera round my neck!
We stopped off at Wetherspoons for a coffee - I was rather disappointed with the service I have to say - and then had a slow wander along the harbour and watched a sailing ship motoring in, to take up a berth on the North Pier. We walked round that way to have a look and she proved to be ‘The Eye of the Wind’, registered in Jersey. A crew member told me about some of her many incredible journeys over the years. Built in 1911, she’s had a most exotic life - see her history here -
We meandered slowly home and sat out in the sun for a while - beautiful! After lunch I spent some time gardening, moving pots around, watering yesterday’s plantings and putting others aside for some pore planting tomorrow. Then it was back outside with a chocolate mint milkshake to read a book - the sun had gone in by this time and it was a trifle breezy, but it’s good to be outside.
Quote of the Day: ‘Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made, for somewhere deep in their oaken hearts the soul of a song is laid.”'– Robert N. Rose.

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