
By MsQuizzical

No Mow Dog

I met my sisters at our nursery in Mayland to talk business. We had just spread our rug down the back field and got into serious discussion when we spotted a bronzed bare bottom through the hedge. We didn't know that our neighbour is a naturist. We resumed our deliberations and then my sister noticed the light filtering through the oak tree by the pond and thought it would make a nice scene for Rog to paint. As she took a shot with her phone the man in his birthday suit appeared again. :)

Monty Don has decided that he likes to cut his grass after all. I must admit that my no mow summer grass hasn't produced the bounty of bugs that I had hoped. However, Mishka does like hunting for mice in it.

I've included a labyrinth spider with her field grasshopper prey, an ovipositing small skipper and a gatekeeper.   

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