A day in the life

By Shelling

Burkina Faso

I know Eva Traoré a little. She's working for the agricultural university in Sweden and has just finished a three year agricultural project in Burkina Faso helping farmers to better take care of their farms to that they can improve their crops. Eva is also married to a man working for the Burkina embassy in Sweden. Every year when he is in Sweden for the summer, they arrange the Burkina-day at the folk highschool on Öland. She asked me to play some music between the various events during the afternoon. 

I had planned nine songs but didn't expect there to be time for all of them and I was right, everything got prolonged because of the complex nature of matters and of all the questions from the audience.

The day ended with dinner and coffee for everybody and I got to sing five of my songs in the end. It was a very interesting day though, which gave me insights in the struggles a small country in Africa has to face, competing with Russia and China and a hundred years of being colonised by slavetrading European countries, eager to keep their power to further plunder the country of its assets by telling the government what they should do. We are seeing only the beginning of uproar in Africa so far.

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