
By Grammy

St. Joseph Cathedral

We had a pretty quiet morning. Our BIL made a hearty breakfast for the three amigos. I am the odd one out. As a child, I loved scrapple. When I became an adult, I helped make scrapple and sausage when they killed the pigs. I was so particular about what went into the sausage that I wasn’t invited back the next year. And scrapple lost all its appeal after watching it made. So, while the others enjoyed their scrapple and Western omelette, I finished the brioche and pineapple cream cheese plus a banana. We packed all but what we’ll wear tomorrow and I separated the food we’ll take home. We did great with meals; very little leftovers. We showered and headed to Wheeling for the Italian Festival - see my extra. The food offerings were limitless. We chose Strombolis and they did not disappoint. However, all of the not-food offerings did. All we saw were cheap made in China junk. Then we listened to some great music and were entertained by a young man riding a fly board in the Ohio River. You can see him in between two lightbulbs in the bottom right frame of the extra. Hubby and I walked to this beautiful cathedral for 6:00 pm Mass. The organ and vocal music were superb. There was a priest visiting from Tanzania. He reminded us how blessed we are by telling about life where he ministers to over 6,000 parishioners. Oh my, not having clean water must be a horrible life. We met my sister and BIL at the car after Mass. They bought cannolis for our dessert. We were parched so we bought water on the way home. I have to sew a button on my capris and fold a load of clothes. Otherwise, we are all packed and ready to go early in the am. Kim and family got as far as Connecticut today. Parker’s lacrosse team won two of their three games today in Va. Beach. Hated to miss his final tournament but hotel rooms were close to $300/night. It is a good weekend to be in WV. I hope you are having a nice weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. I have really tried to read your journals this week. The cell service is very sporadic and trying to read in the car on these curvy roads makes me way too seasick. I will catch up next week. “Of all man’s works of art, a cathedral is greatest.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher

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