
By Grammy


We were up and out the door by 7:30 am. Our trip has been pleasant so far. We’ve had sun all the way. We stopped to get a quick breakfast sandwich and my sister and BIL pulled in beside us. We left well before them. Hubby took a different route for a while and it turned out to be 20 miles shorter than our regular trip. The roads were well maintained but the speed limit was lower. I liked it that way! The scenery on all our routes is beautiful with the rolling hills and hazy mountain backgrounds; one of our happy places. We had lunch at the diner we often stop at. Gosh, prices just keep rising and rising. I know I sound like a broken record but it is ridiculous. There was a newly opened gas station along our route and it had lower prices than any other from there to home. We gladly filled our tank. I am allergic to yet unidentified sausage ingredients but I’ve found some at a local butcher shop that are homemade and cause me no problems. We stopped and grabbed a few pounds. We should be at Kim’s by 5:20. Shadow is rarely left home alone so she will be glad to see us. I will hang out with her longer tomorrow. It has been a long tiring drive for hubby. I had a few unavoidable naps. My sister got home two hours ago. With Sugar, it is hard for them to stop except at a few rest areas to give her a break. They had to unpack and cut acres of grass at our grandmother’s property. Rest is not a word in their vocabulary. I hope you found time to rest this weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.” - John Muir

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