Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Reformed Church Klosters

Today we felt like having a more relaxing day. The hike we did yesterday was quite long (over 21,000 steps) and extremely steep so we all felt a bit tired today, including Xena. 

We did a bit of grocery shopping this morning, and then walked around the village with Xena. This is the protestant church in the village. We have been to a few Christmas services there, one memorable one where Luke played the trumpet. It has a beautiful graveyard that is small and neat and filled with flowers. It is listed as a Swiss heritage site of national significance.

The day warmed up but at lunchtime it got cloudy and looked like it was getting cooler. We had golf booked at 4.15 pm and I was not sure whether to wear a long sleeved top - thank goodness I didn't as it was so hot on the golf course, bright sunshine and blue skies. I enjoyed my golf and am possibly improving albeit very slowly. I did read that this course is ranked as one of the hardest nine hole golf courses in Switzerland. 

Now a relaxing evening at home, we will catch up with some TV.

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