
By Grammy

Beauty and the Lovable Beast

It always feels good to have everything put away after a trip. I woke up with an almost empty job list. Hubby updated his financial records and ordered our meds refills. I made us sausage for breakfast and enjoyed my sandwich and follow on prayer time on the front porch. My flowers and raised bed vegetable garden all made out fine while we were gone. This crepe Myrtle is in full bloom at the end of our driveway. Neighbors have several different color ones and it makes the neighborhood so colorful this time of year. I emptied the dishwasher and made a grocery list. We returned an item to our Amazon drop off site, shopped for a purple colored crepe myrtle but wouldn’t pay the asking price. We shopped for groceries and came home. Hubby mowed the lawn and trimmed. I came to Kim’s and kept Shadow company. She curled up on the recliner next to me and we both took a nap. Kim left us leftovers so there is no need to cook. We have a quiet night planned with the Kindles. Hope yours is as well. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “You can not look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.” – Jane Pauley

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